Call for Submissions: Rama’s Resonance: A Literary Celebration of Ayodhya

we count days to the Prana Pratishta at Ayodhya, let our pens dance with the exuberance that defines this era. Apart from quick reads (around 1000-1200 words) or as long reads (2000-4000 words), please send in commentaries, poems, couplets , conversations with scholars and Rambhakts that express the exuberance of Rambhakti. The articles may be submitted in English, Hindi, Kannada and Sanskrit

Ramaa Ramaa Ramaa – The Resonance (A Countdown to Ayodhya – January 22, 2024)

The countdown has begun for January 22, 2024. The imminent inauguration of Sri Ram Janma bhoomi Teerth Kshetra in Ayodhya has kindled within us a deep sense of joy and reverence. For crores of Hindus worldwide, the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is not just a temple, but a beacon of hope and inspiration, serving as a powerful reminder of the strength inherent in the collective human spirit. Join us in celebrating the joys that will resonate far beyond the confines of the calendar date, echoing through the corridors of history for generations to come.

Rāsa Rīti : A Tradition of Dance and Devotion

Create a video capturing the essence and beauty of Navarātri, showcasing the various aspects of the festival such as traditional dances, vibrant attire, rituals, and celebrations. Video can be in English, Hindi, Kannada or Sanskrit

VIVECHANA : A Workshop On Book Review

IndicA Today invites all book enthusiasts to join us for Vivechana – an engaging Book Review Workshop- Learn from the experts, sharpen your critique skills & master the art of writing unbiased, coherent & thought provoking reviews

Workshops On Research & Writings In Hindu Studies

In quest to protect our scriptures, IndicA invites you to be a part of Adluri-Bagchee Parampara via workshops to learn new directions in ‘Research & Writings in Hindu Studies’ to bring forth areas of knowledge & culture relegated to backburner,

क्रांतिदूत श्रृंखला की “ग़दर” और “बसंती चोला” का लोकार्पण

कल दिनांक  १२ नवम्बर २०२२ को कॉन्स्टीट्यूशन क्लब ऑफ इंडिया, दिल्ली में प्रोफ़ेसर कपिल कपूर द्वारा लेखक डॉ. मनीष श्रीवास्तव की पुस्तक शृंखला क्रांतिदूत के चौथे और पांचवें भाग का विमोचन किया गया।