Rāvaṇa is the name of the eighth Prativāsudeva according to both Śvetāmbara & Digambara sources. He is also known by the name Laṅkeśa or Daśamukha (‘ten-faced’)
The article explores Jainism’s view of karma as a soul-affecting substance, while Hinduism views it as a metaphysical force influenced by actions & intentions.
Jainism & Buddhism, ancient Indian religions, both incorporate concept of karma in their doctrines, but their interpretations & applications differ in aspects
Explores the intricate karmic bondage & liberation process, highlighting the influence of emotions, intensity & duration on karma & passions like anger & greed.
Karma is the basic principle within an overarching psycho-cosmology in Jainism. Human moral actions form the basis of the transmigration of the soul (jīva).
Jain concepts of Bandha (bondage) and Moksha (liberation), focuses on how karmic particles bind to the soul and influence its experiences and spiritual journey
A person must earn “Puṇya” and leave “Pāpa,” but after reaching a certain spiritual level, it is crucial to dissociate Puṇya for final soul purification.
The article introduces the nine Tattvas & sets the stage for a deeper examination of Karma’s role in Bondage & Liberation, comparing Jain, Hindu, & Buddhist
Author’s chapter on Jain Reform Movement emphasizes adapting to changing times while maintaining core principles, with reformers like Lonka and Sant Bala blending tradition with modernity.
Author examines the multifaceted contributions of Jain reformers such as Acarya Tulsi, Mahapragna, Citrabhanu & Sushil Muni, who sought to address contemporary societal challenges and fostered the universal principles of atmadharma for the betterment of humanity, even if it meant breaking the barriers of tradition.
"Dr. Kamini Gogri, the recipient of the Kutch Shakti National award 2013, holds Ph. D in Philosophy (Jain Reform Movement) and is an avid marathon runner(with Run India Run) She is currently a Project consultant on project “Jain Prosopography”, at SOAS, Jain Center, London. She is also Head of Research in Ancient Scriptures, at Eikam Resonance Foundation. She is also a partner/advisor/ consultant for an OTT platform on Jainism known as Jainflix. She is also an Executive Member of the Scholars Committee Jain Agam Mission, Uvvassagaharam Sadhana Trust. She is on the Board of the Center for Indian Studies, AL Zahara University, Tehran, Iran and also visiting faculty for Hinduism and Jainism. She has received the INDIC Academy fellowship for 2020-21for”Exploring Sacred spaces between food cultivation and naivedya and prasad : with respect to kuldevi , Jakkha, Snake and Ganeshworship within the Kutchi jain community of Kutch”She has been invited by Bahawalpur University, Pakistan for lecture on Jainism. She also is associated with the German Government for evolving inter-faith-based laws. She is involved with various projects with Prof Anne Vallely, Canada, University of Ottawa. He involvement with Indialogue Foundation, Turkey and HWPL, South Korea is related with inter faith dialogue.Her specialization includes history,philosophy, mysticism, Bhakti, Prakrit, religion and culture, Buddhism, Jainism, and Shaivism.