Indic Academy’s Inter Gurukula-University Center, in association with Srishti Madurai, recently held a conference on ‘Hindu Traditions on Sex, Gender, & Sexuality’. This conference served as a platform for reflection, communication, and exchange of ideas which can give rise to an open dialogue in the public discourse on gender and sexuality, while drawing inspiration from the Indic traditions.
The conference aimed at understanding Indigenous Gender-Variant Communities, defining Indigenous Gender Variant Communities, protecting gender specific sacred spaces, as well as, documenting the living experience of Indigenous gender variant communities.
Over the past decade, the discourse around gender and sexuality has become mainstream in India and around the world. As the legal and social systems around the world have begun to understand the nuances of gender and sexuality, it is important to revive the Hindu knowledge on this subject which has remained dormant over the years. The civilizational history of Bharat is a testament to the long tradition of inclusion embracing plurality of various Darshanas/Dharma and progressive thought.
In this context, we are sharing a talk from the conference: ‘Conceptions of Gender and Sexuality Within Bengali Vaishnava Traditions’ by Dr. Santanu Dey.
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