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Part 2: Karma in Jainism – Bondage and liberation

Pāpa and Puṇya

  1. Puṇya: (Meritorious Karma)

Auspicious activities of the soul lead to the accumulation of meritorious Karmas. Fruition of meritorious Karma leads to favourable conditions and pleasant experiences. Fruition of some varieties of auspicious Karmas makes available good opportunities and auxiliary causes for spiritual development. On account of its dual role of assisting and also obstructing spiritual progress, Puṇya has been the subject of a lot of debate in Jaina circle. A person has to earn “Puṇya” in the beginning and leave “Pāpa” but after attaining certain spiritual level, it is essential to dissociate Puṇya also for final purification of soul. Puṇya is accumulated by the following nine ways or activities:

Donation of:

1. Food  (Innocent, Veg Pure Food)

2. Water  (Pure Water)

3. Materials for Rest (Bed etc.)

4. Place of Sleep (Shelter for sleep)

5. Various things of daily requirements (Like clothes)

6. 7. & 8. are auspicious activities of Mind, Body and Speech.

9. Paying respect to the virtuous (Namaskar)

This results in 42 types of worldly Happiness

Note that these rewards are related to Aghati karmas only.

  1. Pāpa : (Demeritorious Activities)

Involvement in inauspicious activities of 18 types lead to the bondage of inauspicious Karma.

On fruition of inauspicious Karma it leads to unpleasant circumstances and experiences. Hence, involvement in activities leading to the accumulation of inauspicious Karmas are to be avoided by all means. Ignorance regarding the true nature of the self is the most injurious of all sinful activities. This results in 82 types of sufferings relating to all 8 types of Karma.

”18″ Types of mistakes and “82” types of punishments!

Four Types of Inter – Relationship between Pāpa and Puṇya:

This concept is interesting to know. It should be our efforts to earn meritorious Karma (Puṇya) whether there is exhibition of meritorious karma or demeritorious karma.

…..To be continued in Part 3

Karma in Jainism

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