After the extraordinary success of ‘Weekend with Wisdom’, Indic Academy is now pleased to launch a new scheme for Scholars, Public Intellectuals & Domain Experts “Travel with Teacher”. This scheme will enable them to offer their knowledge and wisdom to students and seekers in the form of an immersive and transformative travel experience.
This scheme was launched by its founder Hari Kiran at the recently concluded ‘Conference on Yatras’ organised in collaboration with Bharat Adhyayan Kendra, BHU at Varanasi from 15-17th November.
Background to the Scheme
Experiential tourism is the fastest growing vertical within the overall global tourism market. India with its oldest living civilisational heritage is the only country in the world offering such diverse and rich experience. As the global consumers set out to discover themselves through experiential tourism, India is but a natural destination. Such travellers are looking less at the hard infrastructure and comforts but more at the soft infrastructure of living with local communities, actively engaging with them, learning their customs, enjoying various cuisines and immersing themselves in the culture of the place visited. The goal of experiential tourism is self-discovery. In other words, consumers are looking for intellectual, cultural and spiritual experiences. Our spirituality, yoga, ayurveda, festivals, teertha yatras, vegetarian cuisine, craft, reverential outlook to nature, sustainable practices, rural living are all much sought after by global consumers in their quest for self-transformation.
Particulars of the Scheme :
In order to encourage Scholars, Public Intellectuals and Domain Experts to offer such experiences, Indic Academy is now launching a ‘Travel with Teacher’ scheme. Under this scheme depending upon the seniority of the Scholar, Public Intellectual and Domain Expert (Knowledge Partners) suitable remuneration will be paid for each trip undertaken. The knowledge partners are expected conceptualise, curate and conduct the travel experience while Indic Academy will take care of all logistical arrangements of the trip including ticketing, accommodation etc. Knowledge Partner will be responsible for the overall trip with the active back end support by Indic Academy.
Interested Scholars, Public Intellectuals & Domain Experts may write to us at
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