Ram Swarup’s ‘The Word as Revelation’ Explore how Vedic Gods’ names, like Agni, Indra & Sun, symbolize physical & spiritual truths, revealing unity in diversity
Ram Swarup explores the metaphysical dimensions of language, highlighting its sacred role as a bridge between consciousness & reality & its four stages of vāk.
Aurobindo’s view of the Vedas as a spiritual roadmap, brimming with cosmic mysteries, while Western scholars confine them to mere ritualistic interpretations
J & B’s book, Rigveda explores how India’s religious literature highlights mortals’ ability to interact with divine & cosmic realms through sacrifice & praise
Cultural historian Saumya Dey’s latest book The Seedbed Of Pakistan’ is a must read as the author beautifully traces the religious & colonial roots of Pakistan in a simple, engaging and informative manner
Indus Saraswati Civilization with its impressive Town Planning, sanitation & water systems including well-planned streets & complex sewage management set high standards of Urban-Living in ancient times.
With legitimate heritage backed by firm evidences to be truly proud of our ancient scientific achievements, is western yardstick with its deeply entrenched prejudices sole benchmark for evaluating #IndianKnowledgeSystem?
Religious Conversion: Indian Disputes And Their European Origins-Sarah Claerhout & Jakob De Roover
Even Gandhi suggested converting to another religion amounts to immorality & unnecessary shame of one’s ancestral religion
Assam, along with the other North-Eastern states is a must recommend for every Indian and foreigner. The natural beauty, the religious places, and the history is equally rich, if not more, than the other popular places of India like Rajasthan, Goa, and Kerala.
It would do well for the future of this lost country to return to the ideas of Sri Aurobindo, especially by the political and bureaucratic heads determining our fate. There is an urgent need of understanding Sri Aurobindo by our school students, college students and anyone remotely calling himself an Indian.
In the Indian tradition, there is a rejection of the idea of language having a physical substrate. Instead, language is coterminous with Consciousness, the Ground of the Universe.