Like most urban kids from Uttar Pradesh, his life goals were always centered around the typical B.Tech -> MBA -> Job route. But the 'Indian' in him kept yearning to seek the mystical lands of 'Bharat' with its limitlessly diverse and rich traditions. So after ticking the checklist of IIT Kanpur, IIM Calcutta and 6 years of Corporate Job, he took a call of his life in May'18, quit his job and got hold of the steering wheel of his car driving all around the country for 14 months. This was a journey of an Indian in Bharat trying to understand the myriad of animist, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh traditions across India & Shri Lanka. Some 45000 km of drive and 550+ Sacred sites later, the only conclusion was that his goal is to keep journeying and the journey is to find his goal. Loving the experience of falling into the bottomless pit of Indian mysticism, the backpacker pilgrim hopes to keep on the travels and share the rich traditions of India with the millennial generation.