Indic Academy is pleased to extend one grant of ₹17,000 for the upcoming ‘Ramaa Reveals: The Secrets of Khajuraho‘, an exclusively designed premium tour of temples of Khajuraho, with Dr. Ramaa Golwalkar. One of the foremost experts of Symbolism in Indian Temple Architecture and Iconography, Dr. Ramaa is a disciple of Punyabhushan Dr. G. B. Deglurkar, the renowned archaeologist. The tour is scheduled during 13th and 15th March, 2020.
Applications for the said grant should be sent to by 1st March, 2020 with profile/CV and a Statement of Purpose. The chosen candidate will have to share the Indic Pledge on his/ her social media. S/He is also expected to write about his/her experience/learning of the tour, which will be published on Indic Today, subject to editorial clearance.
Intimation will only be sent to the selected candidate.
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