Indica Yoga in association with Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) is happy to announce a two day textual immersion workshop on Haṭhayogapradīpikā as a part of its ongoing Svādhyāya-mālā series. The workshop will be conducted by leading faculties from KYM and Indica Yoga to be held on 25th and 26th January, 2020, in Bengaluru.
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM), established by Shri TKV Desikachar in 1976, is among the premier centres of yoga and yoga therapy in India and the world inspired by the teachings and works of the revered Shri Krishnamacharya. KYM is recognised nationally and internationally as the leading institute for offering Teacher training programmes, Yoga therapy, Vedic chanting courses etc.
Haṭhayogapradīpikā (HYP) by Svātmārāma is a 15th century text that delineates the principles of Haṭhayoga practice. This text has served as the cornerstone for the evolution of modern-day yoga practice. It has four chapters that deal with various tools of Yoga, like Āsana, prāṇāyāma, mudrās and Nādānusandhāna. A commentary on this text by Brahmānanda (circa 19th Century) called Jyotsnā brings out the finer aspects of this text.
This two-day workshop attempts a complete immersion into the textual portion pertaining to Āsanas. The first chapter of Haṭhayogapradīpikā discusses Āsanas extensively. It is proposed to conduct a series of workshops that cover other aspects of Haṭhayoga including prāṇāyāma, mudrās etc. in due course. This workshop is intended as the first in this series.
This workshop is primarily focussed towards yoga teachers, students and enthusiasts to help them appreciate the strong connections between the classical textual traditions and the practice traditions enabling them to deepen their understanding and enhance their teaching.
The details of the programmes are as follows:
Approach of the Workshop:
– In this workshop, an overview of the text HYP and the first chapter will be provided and all Sanskrit verses pertaining to Āsanas from HYP will be discussed in detail, with inputs from Jyotsnā, a unique, exhaustive Sanskrit commentary on HYP.
-There will also be two Āsana practice sessions per day
Who can participate?
Yogāsana Practitioners, Yoga enthusiasts, Yoga professionals and Teachers
Date: January 25th & 26th, 2020 (Saturday& Sunday).
Time: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Venue: Indica Yogashala, 1st floor, Banavathy, #303, 3rd main, WCR Mahalakshmipuram, Bengaluru-560086. Phone: 6363663313
Fees: Rs. 3000/-
Resource-persons for the Workshop:
-Dr. Jayaraman Mahadevan, Director, Research, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram and Teachers of KYM.
-Dr. Vinayachandra B K, Director, Indica Yoga
-Certificates will be issued only for the participants who attend all the sessions.
-Handouts will be provided for all registered participants.
-The workshop fee includes lunch and refreshments.
For Registration:
Please write to
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