Center for Indigenous Sustainability is pleased to facilitate a research grant of six lakh rupees from Indica Renaissance Fund to Centre for Indic Knowledge Systems (CIKS) for preparing a ‘Sourcebook on Vrksyayurveda’.
For over 25 years now, CIKS has been working on various aspects of Vrkshayurveda. It has produced a series of monographs based on the technical literature covering topics such as introduction, pest control, disease management, plant propagation,nomenclature and taxonomy.
CIKS has also brought out booklets and monographs providing information about applications aimed at farmers’, gardeners and others. By creating a widespread awareness amongst students and faculty of modern agriculture, horticulture and botany, CIKS has promoted and facilitated the widespread use of Vrkshayurveda techniques by also setting up rural units for the production and supply of inputs. The work on Vrkshayurveda has therefore been not in terms of – ‘History of Science/Botany” but more so from the point of view of its current relevance and applications in sustainable agriculture, cultivation of medicinal plants, and in offering a whole new paradigm to agriculture based on the foundations of Vrkshayurveda. The source book and the research material will also be converted into an online course and further disseminated by CIS.
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