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Shooter, Scholar And StoryTeller

Heritage Drive

We are looking for a shooter, scholar & storyteller. For a road trip. No, make that two road trips.

We at Indic Academy are pleased to sponsor one team comprising of a photographer, historian and a writer for the Heritage Drive being organised by the Heritage Parampara on Sept 20, 21 & 22d.

Remember ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance’? Remember all those road trip movies? Something you always wanted to do, but never found the time for? Here is some motivation from us.

Gang up with two more friends and join the Hoysala trail. While one of you capture the images of the temples, the other can delve deep into their heritage and the third can write about your experiences. We can then bring all this together in the form of a book, which we will also publish. Not only that, post the publication, we will send you on an another road trip, this time to launch the book across our growing national network of Indica chapters. After this, we promise you will become roadies for life; discovering our heritage while discovering your self.

Do write to us immediately at with profiles of all your team members and get ready for making your life a never ending road trip.

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