Indica Coimbatore hosted the book launch of bestselling author Saiswaroopa Iyer’s latest offering, “Draupadi – The Tale of an Empress”. The book launch was held on 31st August at two venues, the Kikani Auditorium and at the Odyssey Bookstore in Coimbatore. The Chief Guest of the event was Tushar Kikani, the correspondent of Kikani Schools.
“Draupadi – The Tale of an Empress” is author Saiswaroopa Iyer’s fifth book and was an instant hit among book lovers at the Odyssey bookstore. “The Odyssey book store manager said this is the largest sales of a single book we had in a day after Amish Tripathi book launch of “Immortal India” in Coimbatore. That shows what potential Saiswaroopa’s books have.”, said the manager at the Odyssey bookstore. During the meet and greet event, Saiswaroopa interacted with her readers and shared her expansive knowledge of the Mahabharata and her experience of authoring a book on a strong female character, like Empress Draupadi.
“I had a wonderful time in Coimbatore. Well, wonderful would be an understatement. Indic Academy is like family and I felt like a daughter visiting her parental family (as loved, pampered, celebrated and honoured). It was a privilege to also inaugurate the Reading Club at Kikani school. I was wonderstruck by the mature questions that high school students asked in the interaction session. It was heartening to see them seeped into our culture. I am so inspired to write more and more after the whole experience.”, author Saiswaroopa shared on the runway success of her book “Draupadi” in Coimbatore.
Saiswaroopa is a former analyst with a Venture capital firm and an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur. She is the multifaceted author of books like “Abhaya”, “Avishi”, “Mauri” and “Creators of Telugu Epic Literature”.
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