Indic Academy is providing a travel grant of Rs. 10,000 to attend a Conference on Buddhism being organized by the University of Mumbai.
We are here attaching the conference brochure for all teachers, research scholars and students interested in attending this conference. The theme of the conference is “Global Impact of Buddhism and Neo-Buddhism”.
Teachers, Research scholars and students working in the field of Buddhism may send their abstracts on the theme of the conference and related areas, in a soft copy on or before due date. Abstracts (maximum word length 500) can be sent in MS word format to
Last Date of Full Paper submission: 15th November 2019
Last Date of Registration: 20th November 2019
Conference Date: November 27-28, 2019 (10.00a.m.-5.00 p.m.)
For the registration form and information regarding registration fees, please refer to the following document. Registration is mandatory for all attendees of the conference. Applications for Indic Academy’s travel grant maybe sent to
Note: Indic Academy is not involved in any manner whatsoever in organizing the conference, nor is supporting it, whether financially or otherwise. The present grant is only a travel grant which will be given to interested scholars in attending the conference.
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