Indic Academy has recently launched a new vertical to promote experiential tourism – INDICA YATRA. A conference of Scholars and Story-tellers is being planned in the first week of November at Varanasi. Apart from the conference, INDICA has also initiated the creation of a specialized network as a part of its ongoing efforts to build an ecosystem. Several scholars and story tellers engaged in travel, curation, platforms, event managers have signed up for being a part of this network. INDICA is now keen on encouraging historians, students and passionate public intellectuals to consider offering their expertise as a curatorial service and promote our heritage.
Towards this goal, INDICA invites applications for one grant to participate in the forthcoming tour by one of the foremost experts on Tamil Nadu temples – Pradeep Chakravarthy. Pradeep curates temple tours in collaboration with Embassy Travels under their collaborative platform –
Please look at this brochure for more details.
Interested public intellectuals and students of history are invited to apply for a grant for this tour and write to us at INDICA will sponsor the registration fees of Rs 21990 by way of a grant.
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