Indic Academy in association with IGen-Plus, curated the first edition of Indic Teen Festival 2018 at the Gateway Campus, Sonipat NCR, New Delhi from 8th June to 10th June 2018. The objective of organising the Indic Teen Festival was to give the young students a chance to meet eminent personalities, interact with the best minds, discover their passion and learn various professional and personal skills. In a nutshell, the Indic Teen Festival was designed to give the teenagers a holistic lifetime exposure, coupled with fun and entertainment. The three day event saw an explosive list of 30 speakers, 50+ activists and potential army of 350 teenagers. The workshops were mainly designed on the theme of “ancient wisdom, modern insights and Future dreams”.
Here are the video highlights from the Indic Teen Festival 2018.
To learn more about the Indic Teen Festival 2018, you can click here.
(IGenPlus is joint initiative between Soumya Aggarwal and Indic Academy.)
Link to the Indic Teen Festival 2018 Brochure.
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