Globally, business is a huge engine of economic development and a major source of employment and prosperity. However, this development of just a century has come at a high cost to humanity in the form of consumerism stressing the environment, skewed work-life balance, broken families, alarming stress levels causing a host of illnesses hitherto unknown, and in general lopsided growth fueling social unrest and crime. Humanity needs to find a more sustainable approach to development that fosters not only prosperity but also harmony, inclusion and a fulfilling life for all.
Business leaders have a responsible role to play to make this happen as they are the inspiring role models of success for the youth. India has been the enterprise capital of the world for several millenia until a couple of centuries ago. What made India sustain success over such a long span of time? Even to this day, the bulk of the Indian population thrives on self-driven enterprise. There are businesses of all sizes that are thriving for generations.
• Are there models of leadership, organizational structure and culture that are unique to Indian psyche and distinct from prevailing models?
• Do those models apply to today’s corporate management?
• Are there successful, live examples to study?
• What can Indian business models contribute to the world?
About the Conference
To answer these questions and to initiate a deeper examination of Indic wisdom in leadership and enterprise, School of Vedic Sciences, MIT-ADT University, Pune ( is organizing a 1-day conference of senior business leaders and experts on Indic enterprise models in partnership with Indic Academy ( It will also create a forum to exchange implementable ideas in this direction going forward.
The conference is by invitation only. Online registration is open for senior corporate leaders and coaches who are curious to explore Indic business models and insights.
To know more or to register, visit the conference website at
Conference Organizers:
• Chair: Padmabhushan Dr. Vijay P. Bhatkar, Chancellor, Nalanda University
• Chief Patron: Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad, Founder President, MIT Group of Institutions Pune
Facilitators / Speakers
• Sri Radhakrishnan Pillai – Best-selling author and expert on Chanakya’s principles for the modern context
• Sri P. Kanagasabapathi – Pioneering expert on India’s indigenous business clusters and their models
• Sri Ashok Malhotra – Management expert, author and organizational alignment consultant based on Indic models
• Sri Raghu Anantanarayanan – Organizational consultant and Indic wisdom coach for corporate leadership
Date: June 29, 2018
Venue: MIT-ADT University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune
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