Indic Academy is pleased to announce a grant of Rs. 10,000 or actuals, for upto five students towards the registration and travel for the upcoming course titled ‘Yoga Consciousness in Mahābhārata and Bhagavadgītā: The Ethical Value for Societal/Political Well-being‘. This is a week-long course between 7th and 14th March, 2020, on Philosophical and Textual Sources of Yoga Consciousness . For students in Delhi, Indic Academy will provide a registration grant of Rs. 3000/-.
The present course will focus on:
– Sāṁkhya and Yoga in the Mahābhārata
– Prior scholarship on Sāṁkhya and Yoga
– Sāṁkhya and Yoga as Philosophical Schools
– Jñāna Yoga and Karma Yoga in the Bhagavadgītā
– Yoga as Soteriological Path in the Mokṣadharmaparvan
– Universalizing Mokṣa through Iconography and Worship in the Nārāyaṇīya
– Bhakti and Yoga in the Bhagavatapurāṇa
International Principal Investigator: Dr. Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College, New York, USA
International Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Joydeep Bagchee, Core Doctoral Faculty, Hindu
University of America and Independent Scholar, Berlin, Germany
Indian Principal Investigator: Dr. Balaganapathi Devarakonda, Department of Philosophy,
Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi
Indian Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Geetesh Nirban, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi
Find more details in the flyers below.
If you are interested in this course, please mail your resume and statement of purpose to Only the chosen students will receive an intimation about their nomination.
The chosen candidates will have to share the Indic Pledge on their social media. They are also expected to write about their experience of the course, which will be published on Indic Today, subject to editorial clearance.
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