The Indic Civilization is well aware of the prominence that Bhagavadgeeta has in the tradition. Referred to as ‘Prasthaana Trayi’ it has an exalted space in philosophy alongside Brahma-Sutras and Upanishads. In our pursuit of Purushartha in general and Moksha in particular, the clarity that Bhagavadgeeta provides has been upheld by innumerable Acharyas of the past. Arguably, the Bhagavadgeeta has seen the greatest number of commentaries in the tradition. The greatest of our Acharyas Sri Sri Adi Shankara, Sri Sri Ramanuja, Sri Sri Madhava have written Vyakhyana on Bhagavadgeeta. Other prominent philosophers like Abhinavagupta, Vallabhacharya, Madhusudhana Saraswati have written as well. In the modern era, Swami Chinmayananda, Srila Prabhupada, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramana Maharshi too have written commentaries that continue to enlighten us. Every Indian language has a number of stalwarts whose profound and powerful commentaries on Bhagavadgeeta never fails to inspire us. In our predicaments, we are all Arjunas. While Sri Krishna Yogeshwara has illuminated our lives with the bright light of knowledge by the way of Bhagavadgeeta, our Acharyas have continued to guide us in that path in ways that are best suited for respective times.
As we all know, Bhagavadgeeta speaks extensively about Bhakti, Karma and Gnana as ways through which we reach the supreme reality of Moksha. What is the essence of these Marga-s? How are they related to each other? Are these Margas exclusive – or do they meet at some point? What does Bhagavadgeeta say about the Purusharthas, Devatas, Sanyasa, Grihastha? How can an individual and a community take inspiration from the Bhagavadgeeta in its spiritual pursuit? We should never forget that the Bhagavadgeeta was narrated on a battlefield calling for a Dharmic action forgetting temporal attachments. What is the Dharma perspective that is embedded in the Bhagavadgeeta? How do we find inspiration from Bhagavadgeeta for actions that are necessary today? What is its relevance and insight for our times?
As we all know, the Bhagavadgeeta Day is a few weeks away and Indica Today calls for Essays from all Indics for a special competition – “The Spiritual Significance of the Bhagavadgeeta”. Please note the salient features of the Essay Competition.
- Essays should be between 1000 to 1500 words.
- Essays can be presented in English, Hindi, Kannada and Telugu languages.
- Last date for your essays to reach us is November 26, 2021. ** Please note that the last date for submission of essays on “The Spiritual Significance of the Bhagavadgeeta” has been extended to December 2, 2021.
- The Top 5 Essays shall be honoured with a Prize
- 1st Prize
- 2nd Prize
- 3rd Prize
- 4th Prize
- 5th Prize
- Apart from this, the selected Essays shall also be published on Indica Today during the Bhagavadgeeta Week.
- Please send in your entries to
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