Indic Academy is pleased to announce a grant sponsoring the registration fees for 50 students towards the forthcoming Advaita Utsav: The International Conference on Advaita Vedanta, being organized by Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalay, Sagar, M.P.
Oneness is most sought after in the variously divided contemporary world. The thought and practice that contributed and has potential to contribute further to oneness is Advaita or Non- Dualism.
Adi Sankara, the fountain-head of the spread of the Advaita school of Vedanta is a great integrator. He integrated the two branches of Meemamsa, the discipline of Vedic hermeneutics, the Dharma (order)-oriented or the Karma (action/ritual)-oriented branch called Poorva Meemamsa or Meemamsa in short with the Moksha(liberation)-oriented branch Uttara Meemamsa or Vedanta in short through his endeavour to revive and save the latter from the submerging dominance of the former.
Advaita or non-dualism as a school of Vedanta has been widely discussed in contemporary academic writings and gatherings. Advaita is not just an academic topic, it is a practice followed by spiritual seekers, guided by sages. Indic Academy would like to highlight this by bringing all categories Advaitavadis involved, on to the same platform, through this conference.
- Biography, Philosophy and the Mathamnaya tradition of Adi Shankara
- Philosophical developments in Advaita before and after Adi Shankara
- Adi Shankara’s Advaita and socio-cultural transformation
- Propagation of Advaita Vedanta through the Bhakti movement
- Transmission of Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta in contemporary spiritual traditions
- Reflections on Advaita in folk and cultural traditions
- Interface between Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta and modern science
- Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta: A message of universal oneness
Expected Outcomes
- Understanding Advaita Vedanta in the context of Universal Oneness
- Address contemporary challenges facing mankind by diving deep into the philosophy of Advaita
- Elicit input from scholars for future development of the sciences and the humanities
- Prepare a document on the relevance and concerns of Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta
Registration Dates: 25th October to 25th November, 2019
If you wish to avail this grant, please mail us at For registration and other details, visit the Advaita Utsav Conference website.
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