Exploring connection between Meditation & ancient Indian schools of thought, from yoga to Heartfulness while delving into the journey of Self Realization is an engaging article
Holds PG degree in Sanskrit ( I Rank with gold Medal, University of Madras);
Two Ph.Ds in Sanskrit—one on Hatha Yoga and one on Asthtanga Yoga;
More than 38 years of teaching and guiding scholars for Post graduate research scholars from India and abroad;
Has edited more than 60 books ( jointly), translated ; Authored many books on Yoga and many research articles;
Has participated in many seminars/conferences in India and abroad.
Practising Sahaj Marg/Heartfulness system of Raja Yoga for the past 40 years; trainer ( Preceptor) for two decades;
Presently Dy. Director of The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Mylapore, Chennai.